RUCONBAR-APA integrated solution

Mechanical Properties
- Testing mixtures with different rubber content
- Integrating recycled aggregate in production process
Acoustic Properties
- Testing of new mixtures – sound absorption
- Modeling optimised absorbing surface geometry
APA Integration and Optimisation
- Redesign of APA system for integration as a industrial solution
- Optimisation for implementation on road infrastructure (new air intakes and outlets)
- Water tank integration
- Power supply
- Weight reduction of components and overall system
- Acoustic insulation
- New design of APA industrial solution
- Optimised for road use (new air intakes and outlets)
- Water tank integration
- Power supply
- Weight reduction
- Acoustic insulation

Technical Specifications
RUCONBAR (RUbberised COncrete Noise BARirrs) is a highly absorptive environmentally friendly concrete noise barrier. Its absorbing layer is incorporating 40 % of rubber granules recycled from old automobile tires.
1 kilometer of RUCONBAR noise barriers = 7.800 waste car tires reused

APA (Air Pollution Abatement) is a disruptive technology, the unique filterless, modular and flexible, intelligent platform to control and abate ambient air pollution, integrated with IoT, energy efficiency solutions and multiservices, for indoor and outdoor.
Thanks to chemical – physical – mechanical integrated processes, using only water, APA successfully abates up to 99% of pollutants of the ambient air, reducing dust, gas, odors, bacteria, viruses in the full safety of health and requalification of the territory.